Life and Limb: Oamaru Life Drawing Group


An exhibition of Life Drawing in the Community Gallery.

The Oamaru Life Drawing Group meets fortnightly to learn the difficult art of drawing from live models. Life Drawing is a very old artistic tradition, and is invaluable in helping individual artists learn their craft. In most exhibitions, you only get to see the finished, polished product. Life Drawing, however, is all about speed, and not much ever gets finished. A beautiful, unfinished drawing often has more immediacy, and can give a far more nuanced insight into the process of making art than the finished article.

You are warmly invited to come along and see a selection of our rough (and sometimes more polished) efforts.

Image credit: Relaxation, Trish Shirley, conte drawing.



  • Saturday, 04 August 2018 | 12:00 AM - Sunday, 30 September 2018 | 11:59 PM


Forrester Gallery